Will Finds His Way to LA

UPDATE: February 24: Will Call!

Received this note today from the Boys & Girls Club of Pasadena: "Will has been VERY popular, and we are already ready for the next round…if possible. Both kids and staff love him and his symbol of hope."

Spent the evening hand assembling the sets and will be dropping them at the post office tomorrow.

Sometimes, it’s someone you know who needs Will. Sometimes, it’s someone you don’t.

UPDATE: February 16.

Sent 40 sets to two of the Boy & Girls Clubhouses in Pasadena to get them started. A table full of Wills is waiting to be lovingly assembled this weekend, preparing for upcoming shipments this week.

UPDATE: February 14.

All it takes is one person to be touched by your efforts, however small they are. In the midst of this broader LA effort, we came across someone who really needed Will for herself. Sent a set to her, and Will made his way through delays, including the recent rainstorms and floods there. (As a ‘Friend of Will’ says, “Will is a persistent guy.”) We heard back from the recipient: ”He is with me and already bringing me much needed comfort.”

UPDATE: February 10.

In the past two weeks, we have been connecting with organizations interested in receiving cases of Will, to distribute to people who have lost homes in the fires. We have already:

• Sent a case of Will sets to a bookstore that is distributing free books and new clothing to people who lost homes

• Sent a box of Will sets to a learning center that provides free education and services to low-income families and a case to a preschool

We are now working to send the Boys & Girls Club of Pasadena 100 Will sets. They have 97 members who have lost their homes! In addition, more members have lost their schools due to the fires. (The club is also now hosting two schools in addition to their regular programming.)

As soon as we get this taken care of, we have two more organizations with requests right behind them.


We had a call in late January from two "Fans of Will," asking if they could send Will sets to California for those impacted by the historic fires. They quickly pulled together a plan and began making contact with organizations who could help make that happen—schools, bookstores, senior living centers, first responders. Within days of that request, we began shipping sets of Will to those who will help donate him to those who need him the most.

How you can help.

  1. If you have contacts in LA that might be interested in helping distribute these, reach out on our contact form.

  2. If you would like to learn more about Will and how to contribute, visit our donation page.

We are honored to help them share the story of Will with so many people—whether you are looking to make a difference, or you are one of the people who needs Will in your life right now.


How it all began