Make an impact today

We regularly donate Will Found a Way sets to those who need them the most. Help us increase the impact this year, especially in California and the Carolinas, where historic fires and floods have left families and communities unsettled.

Since the most recent fires in Los Angeles, we have identified hundreds of children who have lost their homes and would benefit from receiving Will sets. Cases of Will are already on their way, and we are actively coordinating with organizations to ensure Will reaches those who need him.

Send a little love out into the world.

All donations will be used to purchase Will Found a Way sets at a discounted rate; we will ship to unsettled areas for free.

Contribute as little or as much as you want. We will consolidate donations to send as many sets as possible ($30 per 4-piece set, or $360 for a full case).

“Their homes and communities are so unsettled. This is one simple thing we can do.”


“Will Found a Way proves that no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”


Donate today.

All donations will purchase Will Found a Way sets at a discounted rate; we will ship to unsettled areas for free. For each $30 donated, a 4-piece gift set will be provided (regular price is $40 plus shipping). Donate a full case of 12 for $360.