Author Visits
“Author visits are very exciting for students and very inspiring for me. Will Found A Way is the perfect story to share and students are quick to respond to his messages of support and hope. The students' reactions are heartwarming and thoughtful.
While the book is in a picture book format, Will Found A Way was written to appeal to readers of all ages. It’s impressive to see how quickly younger students tune in to Will’s value and how he can help others. It's also rewarding to see the older students--both boys and girls--take such a keen interest in Will himself.
Most school visits include a mix of storytelling, geography (we discuss the places that Will has traveled), and compassion. We also have a Q&A session at the end; the students are always energetic and they always have great questions!
Depending on the school, I have worked directly with principals, media specialists, PTO/PSO representatives, or interested parents to coordinate the details. Most of my presentations have been to multiple grade levels at the same time. Many schools offer two sessions: one for Grades K-3 and one for Grades 4-6.”
Program Possibilities:
March is National Reading Month
November is Picture Book Month
Curriculum on Compassion
How to Write your own Story
Interested in coordinating a school visit? Contact me.
Whenever I go to schools for author visits, it’s clear how students (like all of us), just want to be heard. They want to ask questions and share their thoughts—and I love the interaction. Last week, I started the visit by asking, “Why do you think people love stuffed animals so much?” There were many great answers, but here is my favorite: “Sometimes you want to talk to someone, and you just prefer that it not be a human.” Hats off for that honest and perfect answer. I hope this girl always has friends and family when she needs them--and Will when she needs someone else. He truly does bring comfort and love.